baslac just makes sense for every job

Get the job done right first time with cost-effective solutions and tools, best-in-class colour matching, and high-quality training for every painter.

Technical info at a glance

Discover our Technical Support tool and get all the answers you need in one place.

baslac products

Great hiding power and easy to apply, check out the baslac Basecoats and Topcoats.

How can we help?

Need help selecting the right solution?

Cover Why baslac

Our values

The perfect balance of quality and value.

Choosing affordability shouldn’t come at the cost of quality. And with baslac, it doesn’t.
why baslac - balance

Stunning colors. Beautiful prices. It’s not rocket science.

You don’t need to be Einstein to precisely match a color. You just need to have the baslac e-fi nder Star in your hand.

Pay less and use less, or don’t. Simple choice really.

It’s why baslac products are formulated to ensure you’ll use less product and in turn have fewer costs – rather than living with a super diluted premium paint.
why baslac - pay less

For us, excess stock and excess costs just don’t add up.

It’s surprising how much some body shops spend on high-priced speciality products that are hardly used, if ever. We agree, it doesn’t make any sense. It’s why we recommend only storing core products that you genuinely use. Products that perform well without the high costs.
why baslac - no excess

Our services

Why baslac works for you.

baslac faster

Be faster and more efficient

We have everything you need. A full product system across topcoats, basecoats, clearcoats and additives, effective colour matching, e-commerce platform, great marketing information – you name it we have it.

baslac color matching

Best-in-class colour matching

Match colour faster and more accurately with e-Finder Star. Plus our quick colour formula retrieval system helps you work faster while increasing your bottom line.

baslac training

Online training and tech tools

Learn about the baslac product portfolio and technical content at your own pace on any device at any time. Enjoy online learning courses that build your knowledge of baslac while staying on the go. Plus get access to our online technical support tool to get help in moments when you need it most.

baslac TDS

All technical information at a glance

Discover the technical background on all baslac® products with our data sheets. Inside you can easily learn about the main processing steps and the corresponding mixing ratios. This gives you confidence to do the right thing in the manufacturing process and do it quickly.
45 Line 01
"We were surprised at how easy it was to switch over to baslac 45 because the products are applied using standard application processes."
Mr. Yanjiang Wang, After-Sales Manager, Beijing Ruitong Jiaye Automobile Sales and Service
baslac TDS
"Since colour accuracy is good, we can prepare the colours very quickly in a short time. Due to positive feedbacks of our customers, we can use them as a reference to attract new customers to our shop."
Uygar Boya Kimya Ltd. Şti, İstanbul, Turkey
baslac technical details
"Using standard application processes, blending, spraying and leveling are even easier than before. "baslac is great for processing large volumes of repairs with its easy application and fast processing times."
Mr. Qiang Gao, After-Sales Manager, Jin Jintong Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd.
Products 01
"We find baslac to be a cost effective solution for our business. The quality of the paint is great and we find the Fast Finder system makes life much easier in the paint shop."
Frank Spagnolo – Westfield Auto Body Repairs - Fairfield, NSW, Australia
Testimonial Adam
"baslac is a good solid system. The training and reps are really good and spent a lot of time with us getting the team familiar with the baslac system.”
Adam Stokmainis Bumper Pro Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

Start working with baslac today. It just makes sense.

Get in touch with your local baslac dealer now and start working smarter.