baslac Additives

Practical baslac Additives help you to work more efficiently.

baslac Additives

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Optimized repair processes

They optimize the repair process, reduce energy costs and provide improved polishing.

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Reduced drying times

With baslac Additives, it’s really easy to speed up or slow down the drying time.

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Ensuring the best application

baslac Additives ensure the best application of the basecoat or topcoat system even in extreme weather conditions.

baslac Additives

Discover our Additives

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baslac Hardeners

50‑ /55- /57- Hardeners (Slow to Extra Fast)

baslac® Hardeners for ideal processing no matter which product, temperature or object size



baslac Reducers

60‑ /65‑ Reducers (Extra Slow to Fast)

baslac® Reducers for ideal processing no matter which temperature or object size



baslac Cleaning Solvents

70‑ Cleaning Solvents

baslac® Cleaning Solvents for best substrate preparation

  • 70-10 Silicone Remover for oil, silicone and grease
  • 70-20 Plastic Cleaner for ideal preparation of plastic parts
  • 70-45 Cleaner Basecoat 45



baslac Plasticizing Additive

80‑10 Additive Flex


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HS Matting Agent

80‑20 Additive Mat